online exercises grammar and comprehension |
newspaper article (exercise comprehension) |
Kurzgeschichten |
Miguel de Unamuno, Mi religión (read by Miguel Lopez, Madrid / Spain) Juan Palazzo, Un visitante nocturno (read by Ximena, Buenos Aires / Spain) El rayo de luna, Adolfo Gustavo Becquer La cruz del diablo, Adolfo Gustavo Becquer Guapepza valenciana, Vicente Blasco Ibañez (read by Eva Amparo Jaime Daudén, Valencia / Spain) Fable of Aesop (read by Maria Carmen, Pérez Manresa, Alicante / Spain) .................................................................................................................... Poems: read by: Eva Amparo Jaime Daudén Alma desnuda (Naked Soul) Autor: Alfonsina Storni La higuera (The Fig Tree) Autor: Juana de Ibarbourou Margarita, está linda la mar (Margarita, the Sea is Beautiful) Autor: Rubén Darío Dicen que no hablan las plantas (They say that plants would not talk) Autor: Rosalía de Castro Volverán las oscuras golondrinas (Dark swallows will return) Autor: Gustavo Adolfo Becquer Siempre habrá poesía (Always there will be poetry) Autor: Gustavo Adolfo Becquer |
Don Quijote reloaded |
NOT YET TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra sponsored powered and provided by infos24 GmbH spanish text with german translation reoloaded by: Andrés Ehmann annotations to the text voice: Renata Dicchio fine tuning: Miroslava Rodríguez Martínez, Cristina Rico, Julián Rodríguez, Letras Vivas DOWNLOAD THE TEXT AS PDF (not yet translated to english) DOWNLAOD THE AUDIO FILES MP3 (386 MB) |
novels |
El pozo del Yocci (Der Brunnen von Yocci) (NOT YET TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH) Juana Manuela Gorriti (read by Renata Dichio, Übersetzung infos24 GmbH) summary : facilitates the understanding of the complicated original |
El árbol de la ciencia (Der Baum der Wissenschaft), Pio Baroja (read by Marta Frasquier / translated by AUBREY F. G. BELL) recorded in normal and slow speed |
La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades translated by Rita Trachsel |
music |
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