Band: Letras Vivas



De recuerdo en recuerdo, va viajando tu pensamiento,
tienes los ojos cerrados pero sé, que estás despierto...
De un terrible silencio, vas llenando tu testamento,
y por tus pasos cansados sé, que ya estás llegando...

Of memory in memory, your thought is travelling,
you have the closed eyes but I know, that you are awake...
Of a terrible silence, you are filling your testament,
and for your tired steps I know, that you are already coming...

Al silencio divino, a la cumbre de tu historia,
a la vida sin respiro, donde no, necesites del vino.
Y antes que caiga la noche, vamos cuentame viejo,
vuelve tu vida a vivir, regalame este momento...

To the divine silence, to the summit of your history,
to the life without breather, where not, you need from the wine.
And before caiga the night, we go tell me old man,
it turns your life to live, give me this moment...

Lo de ayer no recuerdas, mas yo sé, que no olvidas,
ni tus primeros aciertos, ni tus metas vencidas.
no te conozco mi viejo, no sé de tus sentimientos,
en tu sombrero luido, escondes tu sufrimientos,

That thing about yesterday you do not remember, more I know, that you do not forget,
neither your first wise moves, nor your defeated goals.
I do not meet you my old man, do not know of your feelings,
in your sombrero luido, you hide sufferings,

Y al final del camino, vamos cuentame, viejo,
de tus tesoros perdidos, de la razón de tu ego,
yo con el ansia encendida quiero robarme tu tiempo Para que fijes en mí, por siempre tu recuerdo.

And at the end of the way, we go tell me, old man,
of your lost treasures, of the reason of your ego,
I with the burning avidity want to steal your time from myself So that you fix in me, forever your memory.

Y antes que caiga la noche,
vamos cuentame viejo,
vuelve tu vida a vivir,
regalame este momento!

And before caiga the night,
we go tell me old man,
it turns your life to live,
give me this moment!

guarum guam guam rura
guaram guarum guam guam rura
guarum guam guam rura
guaram guarum guam guam rura

(copyright Music / Text Juan Carlos Oliveira y Rubén Oliveira)
Translation by Angela J. Shirley

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