Biography: Julián Rodriguez

"Da tranquilidad cantarle al mundo, a sus bellezas, a sus miserias, sin afanes de nada, ni de dinero, ni de fama, ni de protagonismo, ni de convencer a nadie; simplemente cantar y que cada canción sea como una flor, como el viento, como un atardecer."
"It is calming to sing about the world, its beauty, its misery, its efforts not wanting to achieve anything, neither money nor fame, without egotism and without wanting to convince anybody; just sing, each song like a flower, like the wind, like the dusk."

 Julian Rodríguez:

Outside of Colombia Shakira and Juanez are known, within Colombia things are more colourful. Julián Rodriguez: his songs are the loving corruption of more or less everything, musical styles, politics, religion, society. To all aberations and perversions he reacts with a mighty, affectionate smile instead of sarkasm, bitterness or critique. Once in a while there are known melodies, one seems to recognize folk (mabe) and then he smiles again. Julián Rodriguez is musician, actor, composer and conductor. He performed in almost all well-known theatres in Colombia, in many theatres of Spain and a tour led him through six European countries. The public performance of more than thousand children organised by him to sing against the civil war in Colombia was spectacular.

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