Guapeza valenciana

 page 32

El pequeño sacaba por entre las sábanas su rostro exangüe, tan pálido como el lienzo, y únicamente en su mirada había una chispa de vida al preguntar con mudo gesto a sus hermanos. Debía de saber algo de lo de la noche anterior y quería convencerse.

Sí; era cierto. Se lo aseguraba su hermano mayor, el más sesudo de la familia. El que atacase a los Bandullos tenía pena a la vida. Mientras viviesen todos, cada uno de los hermanos tendría la espalda bien cubierta. ¿No le habían prometido venganza? Pues allí estaba. Y desliando un trozo de periódico arrojó sobre las sábanas un muñón asqueroso cubierto de negros coágulos.

The small one was extracting for between the sheets his bloodless face, as pale as the linen, and only in his look there was a spark of life on having asked with mute gesture his brothers. It must known something about that thing about the previous night and wanted to become convinced.

Yes; it was true. It was assured to itself by his biggest, most wise brother of the family. The one that was attacking the Bandullos had sorrow to the life. Meanwhile they were living through all, each of the brothers would have the covered well back. Had not they promised him revenge? Since there it was. And desliando a piece of newspaper threw on the sheets a disgusting covered stump of black clots.

el lienzo = linen
la chispa de vida = vital spark
tener pena = to have sorrows
tener la espalda bien cubierta = to have good rear cover
la venganza = revenge
desliar = to take back
el muñón = butt, stub
el coágulo = clot

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