5.1 Basic rule

The Spanish accent is doesn't indicate a different sound in the language (like for instance the accents in French) but they indicate where to put the weight in pronunciation.

For this weight in pronunciation there is a basic rule that says: Does the word end on a vowel, an n or an s the weight in pronunciation is on the second last syllable of the word. Does the word end on any other consonant the weight of pronunciation is on the last syllable of the word.

Exceptions from this rule are marked with accents:


la palabra = das Wort
Follows the rule. Does end on a vowel, the weight of pronunciation nis on the second las syllable.
la mujer = die Frau
Follows the rule. Ends n a consonant (not s or n). Weight of pronunnciation is on the last syallable.
el árbol = der Baum
Doesn't follow the rule. ends on a consonant. should have the weight of pronunciation on the last syllable, but it is on the first syllable. accent is used!
el arroz = der Reis
Follows the rule. Ends n a consonant (not s or n). Weight of pronunnciation is on the last syallable.
la contabilidad = die Buchhaltung
Follows the rule. Ends n a consonant (not s or n). Weight of pronunnciation is on the last syallable.
el desierto = die Wüste
Follows the rule. Does end on a vowel, the weight of pronunciation nis on the second las syllable.
la emancipación = die Emanzipation
Doesn't follow the rule. Ends on n. Should have weight of pronunciation on second last syllable, but it is on the last syllable. Accent is used.
ellos miran (Infinitiv mirar) = Sie schauen
Follows the rule. End on n. Weight of pronunciation is on the second syllable.

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