4.11 Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that indicate that the subject relates the action described on him- (respectively) herself. In English the reflexive pronouns are:
myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

In Spanish there are certain verbs that are reflexive, meaning that they always refer (back) to the subject. One of them is lavarse (to wash oneself). Reflexive verbs can be recognised by the suffix -se. This suffix se has nothing to do with the changed indirect pronoun - it just looks the same.

  a summary of the reflexives

  reflexive pronoun   reflexive pronoun
I wash myself. myself
Yo me lavo
You wash yourself. yourself Tú te lavas te
He washes himself. himself Él se lava se
She washes herself. herself Ella se lava se
We wash ourselves. ourselves Nosotros / Nosotras nos lavamos nos
You wash yourselves yourselves Vosotros / Vosotras os laváis os
They wash themselves. themselves Ellos / Ellas se lavan se

One thing that is quite useful to know is that the Spanish say: I call myself Smith (for My name is Smith).

  Me llamo señor Müller.

My name is Müller. Yo me llamo Müller.
Your name is Müller. Tú te llamas Müller.
His / Her name is Müller. Él / Ella se llama Müller.
Our name is Müller. Nosotros nos llamamos Müller.
Your name is Müller. Vosotros os llamáis Müller.
Their name is Müller. Ellos se llaman Müller.

Furthermore it is useful to know that the reflexive pronoun is also used for forming the passive voice.

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