Conjugate the words in presente, pretérito imperfecto, pretérito indefinido, futuro indicativo and in presente, imperfecto subjuntivo as well as in imperativo and in condicional.
absolver (o zu ue) = to acquit |
achacar (c zu qu) = to blame |
idealizar (z zu c) = to idealise |
concluir (i zu y) = to conclude |
sobrecargar (g zu gu) = to overload |
arrancar (c zu qu) = to pull out (weeds) |
aprobar (o zu ue ) = to pass (exams etc.) |
certificar (c zu qu ) = to certify |
comenzar (e zu ie und z zu c) = to start, to begin |
despedirse (e zu i) = to say good-bye |
deducir (c zu zc und Einführung von j) = to deduct |
cerrar (e zu ie ) = to close |
aborrecer (c zu zc) = to detest |
sentir (e zu ie) = to feel |