15.3.1 Referring a larger context without prepositions

The relative pronoun for relative clauses that refer to larger contexts are lo que / lo cual. Lo is the neutral article that describes a context, que / cual are the relative pronouns we already know. Therefore this is not different in the logic from that what we have seen with single elements.

  what, which = lo que / lo cual

Dijo lo que quería.
= He said what he wanted

Hace lo que le da la gana.
= She does what she wants to.
El coche se estropeó lo que fue una gran pérdida.
= The car was wrecked which was a big loss.
Perdí mi monedero lo cual fue una catástrofe.
= I lost my wallet, which was a catastrophe.
No se lo dijo lo cual estuvo bastante mal.
= He didn't tell him anything what was quite bad.
A pesar de la lluvia salimos, lo que fue una mala idea.
= Despite the rain we went out which was a bad idea.
No me interesa lo que dice ni lo que piensa ni su persona en general.
= I do not care what he says nor what he thinks nor the person in general.

  all that = todo / todos lo que

El sabe todo, lo que nosotros queremos saber.
= He knows all that we want to know

Es la mejor solución para todos los que estén buscando trabajo.
= This is the best solution for all that are searching for employment.

  something that / nothing that = que (without lo!)

El sabe algo que no quiere decirnos.
= He knows something that he doesn't want to tell us.

El no sabe nada que nos pueda interesar.
= He doesn't know anything that could be interesting for us.

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