Guapeza valenciana

 page 26

Cuando llegaron los guardias y se amotinó la gente en tomo* del Juzgado, vióse a la luz de algunos fósforos la cara moruna de Pepet el de la Ribera, con los ojos desmesurados y vidriosos, y junto a la sien derecha una desolladura roja que aún manaba sangré. Le habían cortado una oreja como a los toros muertos con arte*.

When the guards came and the people were incited to mutiny in tomo* of the Court, that of the Bank saw in view of some fósforos the Moorish face of Pepet, with the enormous and glassy eyes, and along with the right temple a red graze that was still running I bled. They had cut an ear like to the dead bulls with arte*.
*cortar la oreja con arte: At the end of a bull fight the torero cuts the ear of the bull in an artistic way.

amotinarse = to gang together
en tomo*(en torno) = at around
el fósforo = match
desmesurado = huge
la desolladura = abrasion
manar = to flow
con arte = artistically, with art

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