Guapeza valenciana

 page 22

El ribereño había crecido desmesuradamente a los ojos de todos aquellos emancipados que le rodeaban, y de regreso a Valencia, por la polvorienta carretera, se quitaban la palabra unos a otros para darle consejos.
A la Policía no había que tenerle cuidado. Entre valientes era de rigor el silencio. El pequeño diría en el hospital que no conocía a quien le hirió, y si era tan ruin que intentara cantar, allí estarían sus hermanos para enseñarle la obligación.

A quien debía mirar de lejos era a los Bandullos que quedaban sanos. Eran gente de cuidado. Para ellos lo importante era pegar, y si no podían de frente, lo mismo les daba a traición. ¡Ojo, Pepet! Aquello no lo perdonarían, más que por el hermano, por el buen sentimiento de la familia.

The riverside one had grown enormously to the eyes of all emancipated those that him were making a detour, and on returning to Valency, for the dusty highway, some were coming out the word to others to give him advices. To the Police him it was not necessary to careful. Brave was of rigor the silence. The small one would say in the hospital that there did not know who it hurt, and if it was so mean that he was trying to sing, there his brothers would be to teach him the obligation.

At who it had to look of far was to the Bandullos which had left healthy. They were the people of care. For them the important thing was sticking, and if they could not straight ahead, the same was giving to them to treachery. Eye, Pepet! They would not excuse that one, any more than for the brother, for the good feeling of the family.

el ribereño = man from Ribera
desmesuradamente = excessive
ser de rigor = to be essential
quedar sano = to stay healthy
a traición = by betrayal
dar lo mismo = to be the same

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