Guapeza valenciana

 page 20

Cayó el chicuelo llevándose ambas manos al costado, a la desgarrada faja que rezumaba sangre, y hubo un momento de asombro casi semejante a un aplauso.
¡Buen pájaro era aquel Pepet! Cualquiera se metía con un bruto así.

Los Bandullos lanzáronse sobre su caído hermano, trémulos de coraje, y hubo de ellos quienes requirieron sus armas con desesperación, como dispuestos a cerrar con aquel numeroso grupo de enemigos y morir matando para desagravio de la familia, que no podía consentir tal deshonra.

It fell down the chicuelo taking both hands to the side, to the torn strip that was leaking blood, and there was a moment of astonishment almost similar to an applause.
Good bird was that Pepet! Anyone was getting with a brute like that.
The Bandullos threw themselves on his fallen brother, tremulous of courage, and there was of them who needed his weapon with desperation, as ready to close with that numerous group of enemies and to die killing for apology of the family, which could not withstand such a dishonor.

desgarrado = torn to pieces
la faja = belt
rezumar = to leach
meterse con = to start a fight
requerir = to check
el desagravio = gratification
la deshonra = disgrace
consentir = to allow, to suffer

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