Guapeza valenciana

 page 7

El único que en la respetable reunión podía meter la pata era el menor de los Bandullos, un chiquillo fisgón e insultadorcillo que abusaba del prestigio de la familia, sin más historia ni méritos que romper el capote a los municipales o patear el farolillo de algún sereno siempre que se emborrachaba, hazañas que obligaban a sus poderosos hermanos a echar mano de las influencias, pidiendo a este y al otro que tapasen tales tonterías a cambio de sus buenos servicios en las elecciones.

Él era el único que se había opuesto a las paces con Pepet, y no mostraba ahora en su día de concordia y olvido la buena crianza de sus hermanos. Pero ya se encargarían éstos de meter en cintura aquel bicho ruin que no valía una bofetada y quería perder a los hombres de mérito.

The only one that in the respectable meeting there could put the broke age the minor of the Bandullos, a mocking kid and insultadorcillo that was abusing the prestige of the family, without much ado neither history nor merits that to break the cape to the policemen or to stamp on the Chinese lantern of some night dew whenever it was getting drunk, exploits that were forcing his powerful brothers to throw hand of the influences, asking this one and other that should cover such bullshit in exchange for his good services in the elections.

It was the only one that had been opposed to the peaces with Pepet, and it was not showing now in his day of concord and I forget the good upbringing of his brothers. But these would take charge already putting in waist that mean insect that was not costing a slap and wanted to lose the men of merit.

meter la pata = to drop a brick
fisgón = to snoop
insultadorcillo = impertinent
abusar de = to abuse
un chiquillo fisgón e insultadorcillo = a pretentious and cheeky guy
sin más historia ni mérito = no history nor merit
el capote = tippet
patear = to kick with the feet
la hazaña = heroic deed
meter en cintura = to bring so. back to his senses

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