La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades
Yo por bien tengo que cosas tan señaladas, y por ventura nunca oídas ni vistas, vengan a noticia de muchos y no se entierren en la sepultura del olvido, pues podría ser que alguno que las lea halle algo que le agrade, y, a los que no ahondaren tanto, los deleite.
I think it is good that such remarkable things as these, which
may never have been heard of or seen before, should come to the
attention of many people instead of being buried away in the tomb
of oblivion. Because it might turn out that someone who reads
about them will like what he reads, and even people who only
glance lightly through this book may be entertained.
Y a este propósito dice Plinio que no hay libro, por malo que sea, que no tenga alguna cosa buena; mayormente que los gustos no son todos unos, mas lo que uno no come, otro se pierde por ello. Y así vemos cosas tenidas en poco de algunos, que de otros no lo son. Y esto para que ninguna cosa se debiera romper ni echar a mal, si muy detestable no fuese, sino que a todos se comunicase, mayormente siendo sin perjuicio y pudiendo sacar de ella algún fruto.
Pliny says along these lines that there is no book--no matter how
bad it is--that doesn't have something good in it. And this is
all the more true since all tastes are not the same: what one man
won't even touch, another will be dying to get. And so there are
things that some people don't care for, while others do. The
point is that nothing should be destroyed or thrown away unless
it is really detestable; instead, it should be shown to
everybody, especially if it won't do any harm and they might get
some good out of it.
Porque, si así no fuese, muy pocos escribirían para uno solo, pues no se hace sin trabajo, y quieren, ya que lo pasan, ser recompensados, no con dineros, mas con que vean y lean sus obras y, si hay de qué, se las alaben. Y, a este propósito, dice Tulio: «La honra cría las artes».
If this weren't so, there would be very few people who would
write for only one reader, because writing is hardly a simple
thing to do. But since writers go ahead with it, they want to be
rewarded, not with money but with people seeing and reading their
works, and if there is something worthwhile in them, they would
like some praise. Along these lines too, Cicero says: "Honor
promotes the arts."
¿Quién piensa que el soldado que es primero del escala tiene más aborrecido el vivir? No por cierto; mas el deseo de alabanza le hace ponerse al peligro; y así en las artes y letras es lo mismo.
Does anyone think that the first soldier to stand up and charge
the enemy hates life? Of course not; a craving for glory is what
makes him expose himself to danger. And the same is true in arts
and letters.
Predica muy bien el presentado y es hombre que desea mucho el provecho de las ánimas; mas pregunten a su merced si le pesa cuando le dicen: «¡Oh, qué maravillosamente lo ha hecho vuestra reverencia!».
Justó muy ruinmente el señor don Fulano, y dio el sayete de armas al truhán, porque le loaba de haber llevado muy buenas lanzas: ¿qué hiciera si fuera verdad?
The young preacher gives a very good sermon and is
really interested in the improvement of people's souls, but ask
his grace if he minds when they tell him, "Oh, what an excellent
sermon you gave today, Reverend!" And So-and-so was terrible in
jousting today, but when some rascal praised him for the way he
had handled his weapons, he gave him his armor. What would he
have done if it had really been true?
Y todo va de esta manera: que, confesando yo no ser más santo que mis vecinos, de esta nonada, que en este grosero estilo escribo, no me pesará que hayan parte y se huelguen con ello todos los que en ella algún gusto hallaren, y vean que vive un hombre con tantas fortunas, peligros y adversidades.
Suplico a vuestra merced reciba el pobre servicio de mano de quien lo hiciera más rico si su poder y deseo se conformaran.
And so everything goes: I confess that I'm no more saintly than
my neighbors, but I would not mind it at all if those people who
find some pleasure in this little trifle of mine (written in my
crude style) would get wrapped up in it and be entertained by
it, and if they could see that a man who has had so much bad luck
and so many misfortunes and troubles does exist. Please take this poor effort from a person who would have liked
to make it richer if only his ability had been as great as his
Y pues vuestra merced escribe se le escriba y relate el caso muy por extenso, parecióme no tomalle por el medio, sino del principio, porque se tenga entera noticia de mi persona, y también porque consideren los que heredaron nobles estados cuán poco se les debe, pues Fortuna fue con ellos parcial, y cuánto más hicieron los que, siéndoles contraria, con fuerza y maña remando, salieron a buen puerto.
And since you told me that you wanted me to write down
all the details of the matter, I have decided not to start out
in the middle but at the beginning. That way you will have a
complete picture of me, and at the same time those people who
received a large inheritance will see how little they had to do
with it, since fortune favored them, and they will also see how
much more those people accomplished whose luck was going against
them, since they rowed hard and well and brought their ship
safely into port.