19.5 Seasons

  Expressions of time and date can also refer to seasons

En otoño las hojas de los árboles se caen.
= In autumn the leafs of the trees fall down.

En verano voy a nadar.
= In summer I go swimming.
Hasta el invierno todo tendrá que estar terminado.
= Until winter it has to be finished.
A partir de otoño no tendremos dinero.
= From autumn on, we do not have money.

In connection with prepositions the logic is - once again - the same as in English.

preposition (+ article) + season

The article can be used but it's no must.

  The four seasons

el otoño = autumn | el invierno = winter | la primavera = spring | el verano = summer


En otoño comienza a hacer frío.
= In (the) autumn it starts to get cold.
Hasta el invierno tenemos que terminar.
= Until the winter we have to be finished.
La mejor época para ponerse la vacuna contra la gripe es a comienzos del otoño.
= The best period to get a vaccination against the flue is the beginning of the autumn.
La caza esta permitida por lo general desde el otoño hasta el invierno.
= In general hunting is allowed from autumn to winter.
De Robien confirma que la privatización de Air France será a partir del verano o del otoño.
= De Robien confirms that the privatisation of Air France will be from summer or autumn on.
Esto cambió a partir del verano del 2000.
= This changed from the summer 2000 on.

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