17.9 resultar

Resultar means - as already in chapter 17.1 discussed - to result in something or also that something became clear, came out. The important point with the Spanish verb is that it means a result of a long, slow process. May be that there hasn't even been a change or that it is not really important.

  In the following sentences you can't substitute resultar by quedarse

Ella resultó ser transexual.
= It became clear that she was transsexual.

Todo cuanto sus detractores imaginaron de ella, resultó inexacto.
= It became clear that all the denunciators said about her was false.

  A comparison

Ella se quedó embarazada.
= She became pregnant
(she wasn't pregnant before it happened)

Ella resultó embarazada.
= It became clear that she was pregnant.
(it's not know whether she was pregnant before it came out)

  More examples

Seis israelíes fueron asesinados y 33 resultaron heridos cuando un terrorista suicida abrió fuego indiscriminadamente contra una multitud de personas.
= Six Israelis were killed and 33 resulted injured when a suicide terrorist opened fire at random into a crowd of people.

Gimnastas rítmicas rusas resultaron dopadas.
= It came out that the Russian rhythmic gymnasts were doped.

Un hombre murió y seis personas resultaron heridas en un choque múltiple.
= In a mass car crash, one man was killed and six more were (resulted) injured.

Tras participar en un atentado en el que resultaron muertos un empleado de la autopista Bilbao-Behovia y un guardia civil, huyó a Francia.
= After attending an assassination, in which a highway Bilbao-Behovia employee and a police officer were killed, he escaped to Spain.

Al menos 18 personas murieron y más de 40 resultaron heridas cuando un tren de pasajeros chocó con uno de carga que estaba detenido.
= At least 18 persons died and 40 were (resulted) injured when a train crashed against a standing freight train.

Seis soldados británicos murieron el martes en Irak y varios más resultaron heridos en dos incidentes separados, informaron funcionarios del gobierno.
= Six British soldiers died in March in the Iraq and various were (resulted) injured in two separate incidents some officials of the government informed.

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