Part 7

 Juan Palazzo, Un visitante nocturno (A visitor at night)

Las noches eran frías, terriblemente frías. El hombrecito venía con un pañolón al cuello, que le cubría mitad del rostro. Tiritando, se acercaba a los cajones. Enseguida partía, desapareciendo ligero por la vereda desierta a esa hora.
The nights were cold, terribly cold. The hombrecito was coming with a shawl to the neck, which was covering half of the face. Shivering, it was approaching the booths. At once it was dividing, disappearing lightly for the desert footpath at this hour.

-Usted está mal -le dije en una oportunidad.
-¡Cuándo me encontré bien! -exclamó con asombro y emoción.
Desde aquel momento, dejó de acudir noche a noche. A lo sumo aparecía cuatro o cinco veces por semana. Después menos. Después de cuando en cuando, como de escapada. La última vez que lo vi, quiso conocer el fondo del caserón.
- you are bad - I said to him in an opportunity.
- When I was well! - it exclaimed wonderingly and emotion.
From that moment, it stopped coming in the night to night. At most it was appearing four or five times per week. Later less. After when in when, as of escape. The last time that I it saw, he wanted to know the fund of the big house.

Era una noche rumorosa, de luna, y los vecinos habían cerrado sus puertas. Adentro, miseria, afuera, la desnuda belleza del patio. A medida que avanzábamos, salían de su boca frases extrañas de júbilo pueril. La impresión exterior de las cosas le sugería ideas de bonanza, de estabilidad, de dulce contentamiento.
It was a murmuring night, of moon, and the neighbors had closed his doors. Inside, misery, out, the naked beauty of the court. As we were advancing, strange phrases of puerile exhilaration were going out of his mouth. The exterior impression of the things was suggesting him ideas of fair weather, of stability, of sweet contentment.
hombrecito = little man
el pañolon = cape
el rostro = face
el desierto = desert
desierto = deserted, bleak
el asombro = astonishment
acudir = to come running
el rumor = noise
rumoroso = noisy
pueril = childish
la bonanza = well being

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