Exercises demonstrative pronouns

 Note: accents have to be set to achieve a correct answer!

  keyboard combinations short cut
 Spanish é with accent + first then
 Spanish í with accent + first then
 Spanish á with accent + first then
 Spanish ñ with tilde + first then

1. este, esta, esto, estos, estas
2. ese, esa, eso, esos, esas
3. aquel, aquella, aquello, aquellos, aquellos

 a) este, esta, esto, estos, estas. for details see chapter 11

write down the correct demonstrative pronoun. Use only este, esta, esto, estas, estos. there are adjectival and substantival demonstrative pronouns. the substantival have accents!

check or answer
I like this.
me gusta.
These (masculine, plural) I see.
los veo.
I buy these shoes .
zapatos los compro.
Do you see this door?
¿Ves puerta?
He owns these houses.
casas le pertenecen todas a él.
These people are weird.
gente es muy rara.
I don't like these cars..
coches no me gustan.
It's seems quite weird to me.
me parece bastante curioso.
This guy is getting annoying.
tío se está poniendo pesado ahora.
These (feminine,plural) I know.
A las conozco.

 b) ese, esa, eso, esos, esas

write down the correct demonstrative pronoun. Use only ese, esa, eso, esas, esos. there are adjectival and substantival demonstrative pronouns. the substantival have accents!

check or answer
That one (feminine) over there I like.
de ahí me gusta.
Do you see these women on the other side of the street?
¿Ves mujeres al otro lado de la calle?
I like the table over there.
mesa allí me gusta.
That, what he told me yesterday, seemed stranged to me.
que dijo ayer me pareció extraño.
The house over there belongs to him.
casa de allí le pertenece a él.
That money was frozen in US banks.
dinero fue congelado en los bancos estadounidenses.
Who is this over there?
¿Quién es ahí.
I didn't understand that, what he told me yesterday.
lo que dijo ayer, no lo entendí bien.
Do you see the man over there?
Ves a hombre de ahí?
These men who saw me yesterday didn't tell me anything.
hombres los que me visitaron ayer no me han dicho nada.

 c) aquel, aquella, aquello, aquellos, aquellos

write down the correct demonstrativ pronoun. Use only aquel, aquella, aquello, aquellos, aquellas. there are adjectival and substantival demonstrative pronouns. the substantival have accents!

check or answer
The talked about this and that.
Hablaron de esto y de .
In these times it wasn't normal that women were working.
En tiempos no era normal que las mujeres trabajaran.
Do you remember the blind beggar?
¿Te acuerdas todavía de mendigo ciego?
In these times it was difficult to buy potatoes.
En tiempos era difícil comprar patatas.
These people did not have the means that we have today to spread information.
hombres no tenían los medios de los que disponemos nosotros
para transmitir información.
Who was that woman ?
¿Quién era mujer?
Who is this over there?
Quién es ahí.
All women that are more than ten years active as entrepreneurs can participate..
Podrán participar mujeres que vengan desempeñando una actividad empresarial, durante más de diez años.
Bloody Sunday is the story of those activities that occured in Northern Ireland one sunday in 1972.
Bloody Sunday es la narración de hechos ocurridos en Irlanda del Norte un domingo de 1972.
He wondered how old these trees might be.
Se preguntó ¿cuál sería la edad de árboles?

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