Guapeza valenciana

 page 31

Y cuando se formó un charco rojizo y repugnante, toda aquella hermandad del valor malogrado tiró de las teas, y uno por uno fueron trazando en el barro furiosas cruces con la punta del cuchillo, al mismo tiempo que mascullaban terribles palabras mirando a lo alto, como si por el aire fueran a llegar volando los odiados Bandullos.

Podía Pepet dormir tranquilo. Aquellos granujas recibirían las tomas..., si es que se empeñaban en comérselo todo y no hacer parte a las personas decentes. ¡Lo juraban!

Y al mismo tiempo que los cuchillos de la comitiva trazaban cruces en el cementerio, los Bandullos entraban en el hospital, graves, estirados, solemnes, como diplomáticos en importante misión.

And when one formed a reddish and disgusting puddle, all that brotherhood of the ill-fated value pulled the firelighters, and one for one they were planning in the mud furious crosses with the top of the knife, at the same time that they were mumbling terrible words looking at the high thing, as if for the air they were going to come irritating the hated ones Bandullos.
Pepet could sleep calmly. Those dodgers would receive the captures ..., if it is that they were getting into debt in eating everything of and not doing part to the decent persons. They were swearing it!

And at the same time that the knives of the covey were planning crossings in the cemetery, the Bandullos were entering the hospital, serious, stuck-up, solemn, as diplomatic important mission.

el charco repugnante = disgusting puddle
malogrado = failed
la tea = torch
el granuja = brat, street boy
la comitiva = entourage
el cementerio = cemetery
solemne = solemn

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