Guapeza valenciana

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Y todos ellos, que pretendían meter miedo al mundo con sólo un gesto lloraban en el cementerio, en torno a la fosa, al ver los húmedos terrones que caían sobre el ataúd. ¿Y un hombre así, más bien plantado que el que paró el Sol, se lo habían de comer la tierra y los gusanos?...

¡Retacones!, aquello partía el corazón.
La chavalería esperaba con ansiosa curiosidad las ceremonias de costumbre en tales casos; algo que demostrase al que se iba que aquí quedaba quien se acordaba de él.

Sonó un glu- glu de líquido cayendo sobre la rellena fosa. Los compañeros de Pepet, foscos como sacerdotes de terrorífico culto, vaciaban botellas de vino sobre aquella tierra grasienta que parecía sudar la corrupción de la vida.

And all of them, which were trying to put fear of the world with only a gesture were crying in the cemetery, concerning the pit, on having seen the humid lumps that were falling down on the coffin.
And a, rather planted man like that that the one that stopped the Sun, the ground and the worms had to eat it?...
Reheels!, that one was dividing the heart.
The chavalería was waiting with anxious curiosity for the ceremonies of custom in such cases; something that was demonstrating the one that was going away that here there was staying the one who was remembering him.

There sounded a glu - glu of liquid falling down on the stuffed pit. The partners of Pepet, dark as priests of terrifying worship, were emptying bottles of wine on that greasy ground that the corruption of the life seemed to sweat.

pretender = to presume
la fosa = den, dump
el gusano = worm
la chavalería = fraternity
fosco = grumpy, moody
la tierra grasienta = greasy earth / ground

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