Guapeza valenciana

 page 23

Pero al valentón ribereño aún le duraba la excitación de la lucha y sonreía despreciativamente. Al fin, aquello tenía que ocurrir. Había venido a Valencia para pegarles a los Bandullos; donde estaba él no quería más guapos; ya había asegurado a uno; ahora que fuesen saliendo los otros, y a todos los arreglaría.
Y como prueba de que no tenía miedo, al pasar el puente de San José y meterse todos en la ciudad amenazó con un par de guantadas al que intentara acompañarle.

Quería ir solo por ver si así le salían al paso aquellos enemigos. Conque..., ¡largo y hasta la vista!
¡Qué hígados de hombre! Y la turba bravucona se disolvió, ansiosas de relatar en cafetines y timbas la caída de los Bandullos, añadiendo, con aire de importancia, que habían presenciado la terrible gabinetá de aquel valentón que juraba el exterminio de la familia.

But to the riverside bully him the excitement of the struggle still lasted and he was smiling scornfully. To the end, that one had to happen. It had come to Valency to give the Bandullos; where he was he did not want more nice; he had already assured one; now when others were going out, and all of them would be arranged by him.
And as it tries that it was not afraid, on having spent the bridge of San Jose and to all get in the city it threatened with a pair of slaps on which he was trying to accompany him.
It wanted to go only for seeing if this way those enemies were going out for him to the step. Condition ...: I chatter and see you!

What man's livers! And the bragging rabble dissolved, eager report in cafetines and gambling houses the fall of the Bandullos, adding, with air of importance, that had attended the terrible gabinetá of that bully who was swearing the extermination of the family.

el valentón = loudmouth
la excitación = excitement
despreciativamente = depreciatory
la guantada = slap
el hígado = liver, here: brave
la turba bravucona = boastful crowd
disolver = to dissolve
presenciar = to be present
la gabinetá (la cuchillada) = tussle (stab with a knife)
el exterminio = destruction

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