Guapeza valenciana

 page 17

Era una lástima que la fiesta terminase mal; pero entre hombres, ya se sabe, hay que estar a todo. Dejar sitio y que se las arreglen los hombres como puedan. Los amigos de Pepet, que estaban en sus glorias y se mostraban fieros por la superioridad del número, colocáronse ante los Bandullos mayores, cortándoles el paso con los cuchillos y sus palabras. En ocasiones como aquélla había que demostrar la entraña de valiente. Nada importaba que fuese su hermano. Había insultado y debía probar sin ayuda ajena que tenía tanto de aquello como de lengua.

It was a shame that the holiday was finishing badly; but between men, already it is known, it is necessary to be to everything. To leave place and that the men get them ready as they could. The friends of Pepet, which were in his glories and were proving to be fierce for the superiority of the number, placed themselves before the biggest Bandullos, cutting them I happen with the knives and his words. Sometimes as that one it was necessary to demonstrate the heart of brave. Nothing was importing that he was his brother. It had insulted and to try without foreign help that it had so much of that one as of language.

hay que estar a todo = to be ready for everything
dejar sitio = to leave space
estar en sus glorias = to wallow in glory
mostrar fiero = to show fierceness
cortar el paso = to cut the path
la entraña de valiente = brave core
tener tanto de aquello como de lengua = to have of this as much as of tongues

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