Guapeza valenciana

 page 13

Si otros querían callar, que callasen. Él, no; y no pensaba parar hasta que se viera que toda la guapeza de esos tales era mentira, cortándoles la cara y lo de más allá. Por fortuna, estaban presentes los Bandullos mayores, gente sesuda que no gustaba de compromisos más que cuando eran irremediables. Miraban a Pepet, que estaba pálido, mascando furiosamente su cigarro, y le decían al oído excusando la embriaguez del pequeño:

-No fases cas; está bufat.*
Pero buena excusa era aquélla con un bicho tan rabioso. Se crecía ante el silencio e insultaba sin miedo alguno.

If others wanted to be quiet, that were quiet. He, not; and he was not thinking to stop until it was seen that the whole prettiness of such those was a lie, cutting the face and that thing about further away. For fortune, the biggest Bandullos were present, the wise people who did not like commitments any more than when they were irremediable. They were looking at Pepet, which was pale, chewing angrily his cigarette, and were saying to the ear excusing the inebriation of the small one:
- not phases cas; it is bufat.*
But good excuse was that one with such a rabid insect. It was growing in confidence before the silence and was insulting without any fear.

* Valenciano: No hagas caso. Está borracho.

cortar la cara = to disclose
mascar = to chew
sesudo = considerate
el compromiso = compromise
irremediable = irreparable
la embriaguez = drunkenness
el bicho rabioso = manic guy
hacer caso = to obey

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