Guapeza valenciana

 page 6

Aquella buena armonía alegraba el alma, y los satélites de ambos bandos conmovíanse en el cafetín del Cubano al ver cómo los Bandullos mayores, hombres sesudos, carianchos y cuidadosamente afeitados con cierto aire monacal, distinguían a Pepet y le ofrecían copas y cigarros; finezas a las que respondía con gruñidos de satisfacción aquel gañán ribereño, negro, apretado de cejas, enjuto y como cohibido al no verse con alpargatas, manta y retaco al brazo, tal como iba en su pueblo a ejecutar las órdenes del cacique. De su nuevo aspecto sólo le causaba satisfacción la gruesa cadena de reloj y un par de sortijas con enormes culos de vaso, distintivos de su fortuna que le producían infantil alegría.

The soul was making that good harmony happy, and the satellites of both edicts were shaking in the cafetín of the Cuban on having seen how the biggest Bandullos, wise, broad-faced men carefully shaved with certain monastic air, were distinguishing Pepet and were offering him glasses and cigarettes; refinements to which he was answering with croakings of satisfaction that riverside, black, tight laborer of eyebrows, skinny and as restrained to the verse with espadrilles, blanket and reblock to the arm, as he was going in his people to execute the orders of the chief. Of his new aspect only there was causing to him satisfaction the thick chain of clock and a pair of rings with enormous bottoms of glass, emblems of his fortune that were producing to him infantile happiness.

el satélite = satelite
conmoverse = to get moved (by sth)
sesudo = considerate
cariancho = with broad face
cierto aire monacal = a certain monkish aspect
el gañán ribereño = the guy from Ribera
apretado de cejas = eye brows that are close together
enjuto = slender and willowy
cohibido = timid
la alpargata = canvas shoe
la manta = plaid
el retaco = cue
la sortija con culo de vaso = ring with false jewel
el distintivo = distinctive mark

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