Guapeza valenciana

 page 5

Y en cuanto a quiénes eran más valientes, si los unos o el otro, eso quedaba en alto y no había que mentarlo: todos eran valientes y se iban rectos al bulto: la prueba estaba en que después de un mes de buscarse, de emprenderse a tiros o cuchillo en mano, entre sustos de los transeúntes, corridas y cierres de puertas no se habían hecho el más ligero rasguño. Había que respetarse, caballeros, y campar cada uno como pudiera. Y mediando por ambas partes excelentes amigos se llegó al arreglo.

And as for whom were they braver, if some or other, that was staying in high place and it was no that mentarlo: they all were brave and they were going away straight to the bundle: the test was in that after one month of to be looked, of be tackling to shots or knife in hand, between frights of the passers-by, bullfights and closings of doors had not done to themselves the lightest scrape. It was necessary to respect, gentlemen, and to stand out each one as it could. And coming up on both excellent parts friends it went over to the arrangement.

quedar en alto = remains to be seen
irse al bulto = to not care
el transeúnte = passer-by
mediar = to mediate
arreglar = to arrange, to sort out

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