Part 2

Era al principio una tos ronca, estallante; luego, entrecortada; después, débil, lenta, recóndita, muriente,
cuyas variaciones al repercutir en el ámbito del corredor, parecían los bramidos lastimeros de un perro que llama en el reposo de la alta noche. De verdad, pobre hombre. ¡Cómo desesperaría al verse así, tan deforme, tan enfermo, tan poca cosa! Más tarde supe su vida, vulgar como casi todas las vidas, pero plena la suya de sufrimientos.
It was at first a hoarse cough, estallante; then, cut off; later, weak, slow, recondite, muriente,
whose changes, on having reverberated in the ambience of the broker, were looking like the pitiful howls of a dog that calls in the rest of the high night. Really, poor man. How would it lose hope on having turned out to be like that, so deformed, so sick, so small thing! Later I knew his life vulgar as almost all the lives, but full his of sufferings.

Era solo en el mundo, y nunca había conocido el calor de un corazón amigo, el afecto de la familia o el amor de una fulana que siempre encuentra cualquier hombre.
Vivía al margen, a la expectativa de las sobras que solían darle en los fondines. Aquí recibía un trozo de pan, allá una moneda o un cigarrillo.
It was alone in the world, and there had never known the heat of a heart friend, the affection of the family or the love of a fulana that any man always finds. It was living to the margin, to the expectation of the scraps that usually gave to him in the fondines. Here it was receiving a piece of bread, there a currency or a cigarette.

ronco = hoarse
entrecortado = staccato
la tos = cough
bramido = bellow
lastimero = miserable
fulana = actually a prostitute, but here it is meant to be not that strong
la expectativa = expectation

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