Part 3

Durante el día ambulaba por los alrededores del puerto, en continuo codearse con borrados, con trajinados, con atorrantes, gentes que, como él, no representaban nada en la baraúnda del circo social. Tarde en la noche, se escurría por una angosta cortada, que en verano olía a género, a jabón exacerbante, a grasa, a cebolla frita, a tienda árabe. Allí tenía su rincón, en un ángulo de paredes que por lo menos
le evitaba morirse de frío.
During the day it was ambling for the surroundings of the port, in continuo to hobnob with erased, with transported, with atorrantes, peoples who, like him, were not representing anything in the pandemonium of the social circus. Late in the night, it was slipping for the narrow cut one, which in summer was smelling to genre, to soap exacerbante, to fat, to fried onion, to Arab shop. There it had his corner, in an angle of walls that at least
he was avoided to die of cold.

Así siguió varios años, chapoteando en el lodo de su existencia miserable, sin caer más, porque ya había caído por completo. Estaba seco y enfermo del pulmón. Cada semana enflaquecía tanto, que era una enormidad. Para atender a su salud quiso someterse a un trabajo. Vano intento. Le faltaba el tuétano poderoso: la energía. Sus manos, tan grandes, no resistían el menor peso.
This way it continued several years, splashing about in the mud of his miserable existence, without falling down more, because it had already fallen down completely. It was dry and sick with the lung. Every week enflaquecía so much, that was an enormity. To attend on his health he wanted to surrender to a work. Vain attempt. He was lacking the powerful core: the energy. His hands, so big, were not resisting the minor weight.

borrado = pockmarked
la baraúnda = huddle
escurrirse = to slip away
chapotear = to splash
el lodo = mud
el pulmón = lung

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