Guapeza valenciana

 page 8

Salieron todos del cafetín formando grupo, por el centro del arroyo, con aire de superioridad, como si la ciudad entera fuese suya; saludados con sonriente respeto por las parejas de agentes que estaban en las esquinas.
Vaya una partida. Marchaban graves, como si la costumbre de hacer miedo les impidiese sonreír; hablaban lentamente, escupiendo a cada instante, con voz fosca y forzada, cual si la sacaran de los talones, y se llevaban las manos a las sienes, atusándose los bucles y torciendo el morro con compasivo desprecio a todo cuanto los rodeaba.

Por un contraste caprichoso, aquellos buenos mozos malcarados exhibían como gala el pie pequeño, usaban botas de tacón alto adornado con pespuntes, lo que les daba cierto aire de afeminamiento, así como los pantalones estrechos y las chaquetas ajustadas, marcando protuberancias musculosas o míseros armazones de piel y huesos en que los nervios suplían a la robustez (desnudez)

They went out all of the cafetín forming group, for the center of the creek, with condescension, as if the entire city was his; greeted with smiling respect for the partners of agents that were in the corners.

A game goes. They were going serious, as if the habit of doing fear was preventing them from smiling; they were speaking slowly, spitting all the time, with dark and forced voice, which if they will extract it of the heels, and they were taking the hands to the temples, atusándose the ringlets and twisting the knob with compassionate scorn to everything all that was surrounding them.

For a capricious contrast, those good grim-faced young boys were exhibiting as gala the small foot, were using boots of high heel adorned with backstitches, which was giving them certain air of effeminacy, as well as the narrow trousers and the exact jackets, marking muscular nodes or wretched frameworks of skin and bones in that the nerves suplían to the hardiness (nakedness)

el arroyo = sidewalk
fosca = moody
la sien = temple
atusarse = to dress up
el bucle = curl
el morro = moustache
con compasivo desprecio = with pitiful contempt
mozos malcarados = nasty looking guy
la protuberancia musculosa = muscleman
los armazones de piel y huesos = framework of skin and bones

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