Guapeza valenciana

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Allí estaban todos. Los cinco hermanos Bandullos, una dinastía que al mamar llevaba ya cuchillo; que se educó degollando reses en el Matadero, y con una estrecha solidaridad lograba que cada uno valiera por cinco y el prestigio de la familia fuese indiscutible. Allí Pepet, un valentón rústico que usaba zapatos por la primera vez en su vida y había sido extraído de la Ribera por un dueño de timba, para colocarlo frente a los terribles Bandullos, que le molestaban con sus exigencias y continuos tributos; y en tomo de estas eminencias de la profesión, hasta una docena de valientes de segunda magnitud, gente que pasaba la vida pensando por no trabajar; guardianes de casas de juego que estaban de vigilancia en la puerta desde el mediodía hasta el amanecer, por ganarse tres pesetas; lobos que no habían hecho aún más que morder a algún señorito enclenque o asustar los municipales; maestros de cuchillo que poseían golpes secretos e irresistibles, a pesar de lo cual habían perdido la cuenta de las bofetadas y palos recibidos en esta vida.

There they all were. Five brothers Bandullos, a dynasty that, on having sucked, was already taking knife; that was educated murdering animals in the Slaughterhouse, and with a narrow solidarity it was achieving that each one was costing for five and the prestige of the family was indisputable. There Pepet, a rustic bully who was using shoes for the first time in his life and it had been extracted from the Bank by a proprietor of gambling house, to place it opposite to the terrible Bandullos, which were bothering him with his requirements and continuos taxes; and in volume of these eminences of the profession, up to a dozen of brave of the second magnitude, the people who was spending the life thinking for not working; guards of houses of game who were of alertness in the door from midday up to the dawn, for gaining him three pesetas; wolves that they had not done moreover than to bite any weak gentleman or to scare the policemen; teachers of knife who were possessing secret and irresistible blows, in spite of which they had lost the account of the slaps and sticks received in this life.

Ribera* = name of an area in Valencia

mamar = to suck
degollar reses = slaughter livestock
el matadero = slaughter house
valer = to be capable
el valentón rústico = crude loudmouth
la exigencia = demand
el tomo = volume
la eminencia = outstanding personality
la magnitud= size
el amanecer= dawn
enclenque = gaunt
perder la cuenta = to lose count
la bofetada = slap in the face
los palos = hits, beats, kicks

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