La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 59

Pero aún quedaba algo por hacer; pues en vano, a fin de sujetarla, la colgaron de una horca; en vano emplearon la más exquisita vigilancia con el objeto de quitarle toda ocasión de escaparse por esos mundos. En cuanto las desunidas armas veían dos dedos de luz, se encajaban, y pian pianito volvían a tomar el trote y emprender de nuevo sus excursiones por montes y llanos, que era una bendición del cielo. Aquello era el cuento de nunca acabar.
But something was still staying for doing; since in vain, in order to hold her, they her hung by a gallows; in vain they used the most exquisite alertness in order to take from him any occasion to escape for these worlds. As soon as the desunidas weapon saw two fingers of light, they were fitted, and yaws pianito were were taking the trot again and were tackling again his jaunts for mounts and plains, that was a blessing of the sky. That was the story of never finishing.


sujetar = to fix
la vigilancia = custody
escaparse = to escape
en cuanto = as soon as
ver dos dedos de luz = to see some light
la bendicón = blessing

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