La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 56

Una noche, por último, aguijoneado por la curiosidad y deseando convencerme por mí mismo de que aquel objeto de terror nada tenía de misterioso, encendí una linterna, bajé a las prisiones, levanté sus dobles aldabas, y, no cuidando siquiera -tanta era mi fe en que todo no pasaba de un cuento- de cerrar las puertas tras mí, penetré en el calabozo. Nunca lo hubiera hecho; apenas anduve algunos pasos; la luz de mi linterna se apagó por sí sola, y mis dientes comenzaron a chocar y mis cabellos a erizarse. Turbando el profundo silencio que me rodeaba, había oído como un ruido de hierros que se removían y chocaban al unirse entre las sombras.
One night, finally, goaded by the curiosity and wanting to become convinced for me himself of which that object of terror had nothing of mysterious, I lit a lantern, went down to the prisons, raised his double doorknockers, and, not taking care even - so much age my faith in which everything was not going on from a story - of closing the doors after me, I penetrated in the cell. It had never done it; scarcely anduve some steps; the light of my lantern went out for yes alone, and my teeth began to hit and my hairs to bristle. Turbando the deep silence that was surrounding me, had heard as a noise of irons that were removed and shocked on having joined between the shades.


aguijonear = to stimulate
la doble aldaba = double knocker
chocar = here: clatter
erizar = to resist
turbar = to disturb

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