La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 47

Las armas eran aquéllas, no cabía duda alguna: todos habían visto flotar el negro penacho de su cimera en los combates que en un tiempo trabaran contra su señor; todos le habían visto agitarse al soplo de la brisa del crepúsculo, a par de la hiedra del calcinado pilar en que quedaron colgadas a la muerte de su dueño. Mas ¿quién podría ser el desconocido personaje que entonces las llevaba? Pronto iba a saberse, al menos así se creía. Los sucesos dirán cómo esta esperanza quedó frustrada, a la manera de otras muchas, y por qué de este solemne acto de justicia, del que debía aguardarse el completo esclarecimiento de la verdad, resultaron nuevas y más inexplicables confusiones.
The weapon was those, someone was not doubt: they all had seen floating the black tuft of his cimera in the combats that in a time they were uniting against his gentleman; they all had seen him being waved to the blow of the breeze of the twilight, at par of the ivy of the calcined prop on which they remained hung to the death of his proprietor. More: who might he to be the unknown personage who then was taking them? Soon it was going to be known, at least this way he believed. The events will say how this hope remained frustrated, like others many, and why of this solemn act of justice, of which the finished clarification of the truth had to be waited, they turned out to be new and more inexplicable confusions.


no cabe duda = no doubt
el penacho = tuft
la cimera = crest
trabar = to fight a battle
a par de = next to
solemne = dignified
el esclarecimiento de la verdad = establishment of the truth

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