La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 43

Púsose en planta el proyecto, y su resultado excedio a cuantas esperanzas se habían concebido; pues aún no iluminaba el sol del otro día la alta torre de Bellver, cuando sus habitantes, reunidos en grupos en la plaza Mayor, se contaban unos a otros, con aire de misterio, cómo aquella noche, fuertemente atado de pies y manos y a lomos de una poderosa mula, había entrado en la población el famoso capitán de los bandidos del Segre.
De qué arte se valieron los acometedores de esta empresa para llevarla a término, ni nadie se lo acertaba a explicar, ni ellos mismos podían decirlo; pero el hecho era que gracias a la oración del santo o al valor de sus devotos, la cosa había sucedido tal como se refería.

It put itself in plant on the project, and his result exceeded to all the hopes they had been conceived; since the high tower of Bellver was still not illuminating the sun of another day, when his inhabitants assembled in groups in the Biggest square, were telling themselves some others, with air of mystery, how that night, strongly tied from feet and hands and to loins of a powerful mule, there had entered the population the famous captain of the bandits of the Segre.
Of what art did the enterprising ones of this company use to take her to term, nobody was happening to explain it to him, they themselves nor could say it; but the fact was that thanks to the prayer of the saint or the value of his devout ones, the thing had happened as it was referring.


ponerse en planta = to realise
exceder = to exceed
concebir esperanzas = to have hopes
con aire de misterioso = with an air of mystery
la mula = mule
valerse = to use
el acometedor = assailant
el devoto = devote

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