La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 40

El autor de esas revelaciones murió con la sonrisa de la mofa en los labios y sin arrepentirse de sus culpas; varios de sus iguales le siguieron en diversas épocas al suplicio; pero el temible jefe a quien continuamente se unían nuevos prosélitos, no cesaba en sus desastrosas empresas.
Los infelices habitantes de la comarca, cada vez más aburridos y desesperados, no acertaban ya con la determinación que debería tomarse para concluir de un todo con aquel orden de cosas, cada día más insoportable y triste.
The author of these revelations died with the smile of the mockery in the lips and without repenting of his faults; several of his equal ones followed him in diverse epochs to the torture; but the fearsome chief whom continuously new proselytes were joining, was not stopping from his disastrous companies.
The unhappy inhabitants of the region, more and more boring and desperate, were already not right with the determination that should take to conclude of everything with that order of things, every more unbearable and sad day.


la revelación = revelation
la sonrisa = smile
la mofa = mockery
arrepentirse = to regret
el suplicio = scaffold
el prosélito = proselyte
cesar = to stop

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