La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 24
Nadie osaba tocarle; pero corrían mil fábulas acerca de aquel objeto, causa incesante de hablillas y terrores para los que le miraban llamear durante el día, herido por la luz del sol, o creían percibir en las altas horas de la noche el metálico son de sus piezas, que chocaban entre sí cuando las movía el viento, con un gemido prolongado y triste.
Nobody was daring to touch him; but they were covering thousand fables about that object, incessant cause of rumours and terrors for those who were looking for him to blaze during the day hurt by the light of the sun, or were thinking about perceiving in the high hours of the night the metallic sound of his pieces, which were hitting between yes when the wind was moving them, with a long and sad groan.


osar = to dare
incesante = incessant
la hablilla = gossip
llamear = to blaze
percibir = to perceive
el son = sound

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