La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 18
Como era natural, los pueblos se resistieron a pagar tributos que a tanta costa habían redimido; pero el señor puso fuego a sus heredades, a sus alquerías y a sus mieses.
Entonces apelaron a la justicia del rey; pero el señor se burló de las cartas-leyes de los condes soberanos; las clavó en el postigo de sus torres, y colgó a los farautes de una encina.
Exasperados y no encontrando otra vía de salvación, por último, se pusieron de acuerdo entre sí, se encomendaron a la Divina Providencia y tomaron las armas: pero el señor llamó a sus secuaces, llamó en su ayuda al diablo, se encaramó a su roca y se preparó a la lucha.
Since it was natural, the peoples refused to pay taxes that to so many coast they had redeemed; but the gentleman put fire to his estates, to his farmhouses and to his grains.
Then they appealed to the justice of the king; but the gentleman made fun of the letters - laws of the sovereign counts; it fixed them in the shutter of his towers, and hung the farautes of a holm oak.
Exasperated and not finding another route of salvation, for last, they agreed between yes, entrusted to themselves to the Divine Providence and took the weapon: but the gentleman called his followers, called in his help the devil, climbed up to his rock and prepared itself to the struggle.


resistirse = to resist
redimir = to redeem
poner fuego = to start a fire
sus alquerías = his farmyards
el mies = grain, crop
apelar a la justicia = to plead in a court
el postigo = back door
exasperado = rancorous
encomendar = to trust
el secuaz, los secuaces = myrmidon
encaramar = to climb

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