La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 15
Ya no colgaban de sus sotos, en vez de frutas, racimos de hombres; las muchachas del pueblo no temían al salir con su cántaro en la cabeza a tomar agua de la fuente del camino, ni los pastores llevaban sus rebaños al Segre por sendas impracticables y ocultas, temblando encontrar a cada revuelta de la trocha a los ballesteros de su muy amado señor.
They were already not hanging by his copses, instead of fruits, men's bunches; the girls of the people were not afraid on having gone out with his pitcher in the head to take water of the source of the way, not even the shepherds were taking his herds to the Segre for impracticable and secret footpaths, trembling to find to every riot of the by-path the archers of his very dear gentleman.

vocabulary vocabulary
el soto =copse
el racimo =cluster
el cántaro = pitcher
el pastor =shepherd
el rebaño =herd
la senda = path
la revuelta=curve
la trocha = path

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