La cruz del diablo (Devil's Cross)

 page 11
Concluida esta breve introducción histórica, el héroe de la fiesta guardó silencio durante algunos segundos como para coordinar sus recuerdos, y prosiguió así:
-Pues es el caso que, en aquel tiempo remoto, esta villa y algunas otras formaban parte del patrimonio de un noble barón, cuyo castillo señorial se levantó por muchos siglos sobre la cresta de un peñasco que baña el Segre, del cual toma su nombre.
Concluded this brief historical introduction, the hero of the holiday kept silence during some seconds like to coordinate his memories, and continued this way:

- since it is the case that, in that remote time, this town and someone others were a part of the patrimony of a noble baron, whose stately castle got up many centuries on the comb of a crag that there bathes the Segre, of which it takes his name.

concluir = to conclude
guardar silencio = to be quiet
en aquel tiempo remoto = at this time long ago
formar parte = to belong
el patrimonio = property, possession
el peñasco = boulder

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