Quisiera ser tan alta - Songs with games

The children stand in a circle and one is in the middle. This one runs around within the circle and sings the song. When the song is over, the child stops. The one in front of whom it is at this moment will go into the circle and the game starts all over.

Quisiera ser tan alta
I would like to be tall

Quisiera ser tan alta
como la luna,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
como la luna,
como la luna,
para ver los soldados
de Cataluña,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
de Cataluña,
de Cataluña.
I would like to be tall
like the moon
ay! ay!
like the moon
like the moon
to be able to see the soldiers
of Catalonia
ay! ay!
of Catalonia
of Catalonia.

De Cataluña vengo
de servir al Rey
¡ay! ¡ay!,
de servir al Rey,
de servir al Rey,
con licencia absoluta
de mi Coronel,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
de mi Coronel,
de mi Coronel.
I come from Catalonia
to serve the king
ay! ay!
to serve the king,
to serve the king,
with the absolute permission
of my colonel
ay! ay!
of my colonel
of my colonel.

Al pasar por el puente
de Santa Clara,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
de Santa Clara,
de Santa Clara,
se me cayó el anillo
dentro del agua,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
dentro del agua,
dentro del agua.
When I passed the bridge
of Santa Clara,
ay! ay!
of Santa Clara
of Santa Clara
my ring fell
into the water
ay! ay!
into the water
into the water.

Por sacar el anillo
saqué un tesoro,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
saqué un tesoro,
saqué un tesoro:
una Virgen de plata
y un Cristo de oro,
¡ay! ¡ay!,
y un Cristo de oro,
y un Cristo de oro.
When I took the ring
I found a treasure
ay! ay!
I found a treasure
I found a treasure
and a virgin of silver
and a Christ of gold,
ay! ay!
and a Christ of gold
and a Christ of gold.

alto = tall
la luna = moon
el soldado = soldier
Cataluña = Catalonia
venir = to come
el rey = king
la licencia = permission
el puente = bridge
caer = to fall
pasar = to pass
el anillo = ring
el tesoro = treasure

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