¿Dónde están las llaves? - Songs with games

At the beginning there are two children on one side and all others on the other side. Two kids start the dialogue:
a: Where are the key? matarile, rile, rile
b: On the bottom of the sea, matarile, rile, ron chimpon
a: Who goes to look for them, matarile rile, rile
b: XXX goes to look for them, matarile, rile, rile
a: Which profession do we give her matarile, rile, rile?
b: We give her the profession of XXX matarile, rile, rile the chosen girl (or boy) nods / or shakes her head. When she shakes her head the dialogue starts again.
a: What profession do we give her matarile, rile, rile?
b: We give her the profession of XXX matarile, rile, rile when she nods. We give her the banner, matarile rile rile and the chosen girl changes sides to the first two and the games starts anew until there are no children left on the other side.

¿Dónde están las llaves?
Where are the keys ?

¿Dónde están las llaves?, matarile rile rile
¿Dónde están las llaves?, matarile rile ron, chimpón.

En el fondo del mar, matarile rile rile
En el fondo del mar, matarile rile ron, chimpón.

Where are the keys? matarile rile rile
Where are the keys? matarile rile ron, chimpón

On the bottom of the sea , matarile rile rile
On the bottom of the sea matarile rile ron, chimpón

¿Quién irá a buscarlas?, matarile rile rile
¿Quién irá a buscarlas?, matarile rile ron, chimpón.

Pues irá Pepita matarile, rile rile
Pues irá Pepita matarile, rile rile

Who will look for them? matarile rile rile
Who will look for them? matarile rile ron, chimpón

Pepita will look for them, matarile rile rile
Pepita will look for them matarile rile ron, chimpón

¿Qué oficio le pondremos?, matarile rile rile
¿Qué oficio le pondremos? matarile rile ron, chimpón.

Le pondremos surcidora matarile rile rile
Le pondremos surcidora matarile rile ron, chimpón.

What profession do we give her? matarile rile rile
What profession do we give her? matarile rile ron, chimpón

We give her a patcher, matarile rile rile
We give her a patcher, matarile rile ron, chimpón

Ella dice que no matarile rile rile
Ella dice que no matarile rile ron, chimpón.

Le pondremos la bandera matarile rile rile
Le pondremos la bandera matarile rile ron, chimpón.

She says no , matarile rile rile
She says no, matarile rile ron, chimpón

We give her the banner , matarile rile rile
We give her the banner, matarile rile ron, chimpón.

la llave = keys
el mar = sea
buscar = to look for
poner = to put
decir = to say, to tell
la bandera = banner
la surcidora = patcher

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